Disappointed Bon Odori 2009

It was my first Bon Odori visit and I felt disappointed with it. I didn't said that it is a failure event but just that it happen that I don't really enjoying it.

First of all, it started with LOST in SHAH ALAM. We were lost in Shah Alam as we thought that it was held in Stadium Shah Alam. My fault. I forgot to charge my phone so we doesn't have any GPS nagivation. = (

After a few call to my friends, I manage to find the place.

It was already crowded when we reach there. Good sign. Means everyone is coming to enjoying themselves.

Random shot, balloon is everywhere..

Since it was almost dinner time and the main reason we come here is for the Japanese Food!! So we go around to find for food.

We managed to get a bowl of curry fish ball. Look nice right? But it doesn't taste nice. Believe me!! = (

Most of the foods stall there are selling those *normal* or *not so nice* food that they unable to sell during normal days. Very disappointed. We thought we can find something special

This uncle is shouting "Lima Ringgit, lima ringgit".

It was so crowded... Not sure they enjoying the food or not?

Pity this guy, it was so hot and stuffy but he still need to WORK.

See this? They have the Sushi King setup in the open air area. The conveyor belt is there as well. = )

I'm smiling not because the sushi is nice. I tell you. It is NOT nice!!

And lastly the stage!

Bye Bye Bon Odori from ME

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  • Hi... Totally same feeling here... Really disappointed lor...

    i also bought the curry fish ball... do check on my blog.. almost same picture as urs.... hahaha

    By Blogger StevenBoy1986, at 12:54 AM  

  • luckily u din invite me ha ha....

    By Blogger eWei, at 11:51 AM  

  • iw as there last year..
    jsut about the same..
    nothing much..just like that.. lol


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:07 PM  

  • I thought Bon Odori in Shah Alam will be better than Penang one, but I was wrong, lol...

    By Anonymous Caffery, at 2:15 PM  

  • went thr too yest..
    it was so crowded..
    cant really see the cultural performances as too many ppl..
    perhaps the main attraction is the mainstage and the dancing..
    for the food court area, it was dusty...due to the sand..
    i managed to buy japanase fried stuff and japanese ice cream..
    want to buy food also need to have a long queue

    By Blogger KwOnG FeI, at 2:39 PM  

  • it look fun!
    never been to Bon Odori :(

    By Anonymous annant, at 4:13 PM  

  • Had been there for 2 years, but never go this year because felt that the event just become less and less interested.

    By Anonymous Eddie, at 1:30 AM  

  • did u try the ice-cream and yakitori from the ice-cream/ yakitori stall? i think it's good!!

    By Anonymous Adrian, at 9:51 AM  

  • Can't be that bad what.....looks like there are LOADS of people there.

    By Blogger Stanley, at 12:22 PM  

  • Went there for my 1st time....
    as for experience....i find it ok only lor....
    May visit again or maybe not next year

    By Blogger Justin Hee, at 10:56 PM  

  • StevenBoy1986, visited your blog..haha...same stall of the curry fish ball...

    eWei, now you busy with your baby ma...

    Kenwooi, yalor..when I reach there..I have the feeling of "just like that lor"

    Caffery, you been to Penang one too? How was it?

    Kwong Fei, yeah...when i see the long queue, i skip, go to next stall.. = p

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 10:38 PM  

  • Annant, you can try next year.

    Eddie, oic, what are the other event available last few years?

    Adrian, aiyah...I didn't try that.. too bad.. = (

    Stanley, haha... that's why I think also...so many ppl. But no fun for me..

    Justin Hee, same here.. felt ok only and disappointed.. = (

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 10:41 PM  

  • Got Japanese lenglui or not?

    By Anonymous Neo, at 7:52 PM  

  • Neo, too bad, I didn't see any. = (

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 8:39 PM  

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