My Quest to NTV7 “Shout Out,It’s Saturday Night!”

Last week I went to NTV7 for one of my company event for the recording of variety show called “Shout Out,It’s Saturday Night!” or “周六吵什么!” in Chinese.

"Shout Out, It's Saturday Night!" is a humorous, studio entertainment variety show that features the funny side of ordinary and extraordinary Malaysians. It is hosted by Lee Mao Shan, Carrie Lee and Phyllis. Anyone see this show before?
If not, you all can watch it every Saturday night at 10.15pm on NTV7. Ok, let’s cut the crap and follow my quest…

Reach at NTV7 Gate...The logo was so damn small,hard to notice..

Walking in the building, it was normal like others office lot..

After we reach inside the building, we are asked to wait at the so called “waiting lounge”..WTF.. we wait for almost 2 hours before the show started!! And they keep asking us to go toilet because once we are in the recording studio, we are not allowed to go anywhere = (

Waiting lounge, like basketball stadium

Finally we are allowed to go in the studio, but they said cannot take any photo in it..

On the way into studio, we can see the back stage set.

So when we start the recording, nothing much to said as it was like normally recording progress where there is so many NG, CUT CUT CUT and retake..damn boring..
A 45 minutes show, they need 5 hours to finished the recording..(Malaysia standard). tired

During the NG, discussion among the host and studio crew.

Anyhow, here is some scene I took where you unable to see it on TV.


So how? Enjoy the video?

After the recording end, I got myself a chance to take photo with one of the guest from JX.

Me and special guest from Justice XWar 2

Anyhow at the end of the day, we get ourselves a goodies bag each. Nothing much inside it..

Before I end this post, here are the 5 rules need to be follow when you are in a recording studio.

1. Need to smile all the time and keep you best look just in case you are recorded.
2. You need to claps your hand when they as you to. So fake..
3. No drinks and food allowed.. 5 hours man…crazy.
4. When they show 2 fingers, you need to shout "2 .. 2... 2"
5. No camera..hehe ^_^

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