Free products from Tupperware.

Finally the package had arrived. We been waiting for it for quite a while already.

What is inside this package?

Yeah, it is a Tupperware product that Christine won from the Eco Tupperware Reduce Reuse contest not so long ago. All you have to do is just filling in a form and put a reason why you need the Tupperware products.

What we got is a tumbler and lunch box. Not bad but the bottle not so suitable for us. Going to give it away. ^_^

Anyhow, thanks to Tupperware for the products.

On the other hand, we all should be more concern on environmental friendly concept. We should reuse anything that we can.
What we do today will reflect what happen tomorrow.

p/s: Me myself are not so environmental friendly actually. Hehe

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  • ooo...looks kinda cute. I love green-environmental friendly bags!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:47 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:03 AM  

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