Maggi Vegetable Atta Noodle from India

Few months back, one of my colleagues from India office left something in our fridge during his trip to KL office.

It is Maggi Vegetable Atta Noddle (Masala)

Out of curiosity and hunger on one night (we are working overtime), we decide to cook that Maggi Noddle.

It smell so nice, feeling like just eating raw like that!!

Preparing the noddle.. Throw the flavor in!!
Waiting for hot water to boiled..

It's ready?
Not yet, not yet.. still have to wait for 5 minutes..

5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1........

Ready to be served! Full-flavor, hot and delicious dish just in 5 minutes

But we finished it in just 2 minutes...hehe

Haha, what I can said is NICE!! Original authentic Indian flavor ... Yummy

Wonder they ever sell this in Malaysia...

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  • Wah..Indian noodles....:)

    By Blogger jfook, at 10:35 PM  

  • jfook,
    haha, yeah. But not spicy.. = p

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 10:59 PM  

  • You don't pour away the cooking water? Might contain wax.

    By Anonymous DC, at 11:17 PM  

  • Ehh? Not spicy at all?? I wanna try too~

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:09 AM  

  • DC,
    Got wax?! Ohh.. I didn't know that.
    = (

    hehe.. but don't know Malaysia got sell or not..

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 10:16 PM  

  • i tried indian maggie mee before. i don't like it. the spices smell too strong

    By Anonymous Sammi, at 8:44 AM  

  • Sammi,
    Ohh, it was the spices smell that I like.. Maybe you are not get use to it. = P

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 12:27 PM  

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