UPM Samseng ? Hmm..Don't think so...

Most hot topic lately was about a group of so call “UPM Samseng”.

For me , this is not samseng, this is a group of lost piggy try to show off their big nose..

Why I said like this ?
1. They keep shouting here and there like a lost piggy.
2. They even bully their own race.
3. They even bully female also.
4. Their shirt are like ROJAK. Pengemis..
5. Others? See for yourself ..

After watching the video, I had make a conclusion of my own :

What is this? Old monkey with his peanut brain!! UPM konon..


This is another piggy? I tot a Malay shouldn’t have this kind of attitude..Shame on HIM!!


After they bully the student, they was still so proud of themselves...and bunch of dead pig


A lot of blog talking this guy is a KING KONG….WTF…what KingKong?! .. That’s not a KingKong, it was just a lost little piggy asking for help, i pity you man..Ops..I pity you piggy

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