I got myself a DSLR for Christmas

This Christmas, I'd got myself a Digital SLR camera. Weee......
I had been thinking about it for quite a long time and finally made up my mind.

It is Canon 450D which come with the kit lens 18-55mm. My new baby!!

Now Photo Kaki and Photo Malaysia become my new best friend...

Both of the sites really teach me a lot about photography...

More photo to come on this blog..hehe

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  • Congrats bro... I know the feeling get new baby...
    hehe...trust me XD

    By Blogger FeeQ, at 10:56 PM  

  • wa.. congrats..
    rich jor wor..
    buy me a christmas present too~

    By Anonymous KwOnG FeI, at 11:16 PM  

  • FeeQ,
    Haha... so anything to share with me the beginner? = p

    Kwong Fei,
    Thanks.. just got my bonus. = )
    Haha, you already got so many freebies liaw... Merry Xmas!

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 11:48 PM  

  • Looks cool. Congrats! ;)

    By Blogger Nikita Hengbok, at 1:07 AM  

  • Btw, Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year! ^_^

    By Blogger Nikita Hengbok, at 1:07 AM  

  • enjoy taking pics =)


    By Blogger Ken Wooi, at 9:13 AM  

  • Congrats! Enjoy taking photos! =)

    By Anonymous Nabil, at 9:43 AM  

  • Nikita,
    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you too. Wish you have a nice year ahead.. = )

    Sure sure...hehe

    Thanks.. Enjoying my new toys now..
    = p

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 9:15 PM  

  • Nice and Congrats! Sure your pics now will be much nicer!


    By Blogger Malaysia Asia, at 9:56 PM  

  • Congratz! Wish I have one!

    By Blogger 123434325, at 12:57 AM  

  • merry xmas! and congrats on your new baby. will getting mine soon. cant wait!

    By Blogger Bo the Nerd, at 1:12 AM  

  • wow nice! so jealous! XD

    been wanting to get one also.

    where did you get yours?

    hit me back! :D

    By Blogger Josiah & Renae;, at 1:06 PM  

  • congrat lor..i wan my dslr too.i dream for it almost evrinite...

    here me at Nikel Khor

    By Blogger Nikel Khor, at 1:52 PM  

  • Awesome !! I've been thinking about getting one for myself. Though it's pretty costly but it's a great investment, no? ;D

    By Blogger Ling Wai, at 4:53 PM  

  • I'm oso new leh XD

    By Blogger FeeQ, at 8:00 PM  

  • Woot! Grats on getting ur first DSLR! Shoot more and enjoy shooting! Good luck!!! and I believe ur kit lens is 18-55mm rather than 15-55mm. LOL! Happy New Year!!!

    By Blogger Nigel Chen, at 8:21 PM  

  • Wow...
    Cool DSLR!
    Looking forward to ur pics.

    By Blogger Ken, at 8:58 PM  

  • David Jr,
    Thanks, hoping so as now still learning stage..

    Jimmy T,
    Thanks, wish you to get one soon. = p

    Bo the Nerd,
    Cool, what model you plan to get?

    xox `Lyng` xox,
    I get mine at JOne at Amcorp Mall.

    Nikel Khor,
    Don't dream, just close your eye and swipe your card..hehe

    The Little Miss,
    What I can say is "Worth It"!!

    Hehe, then can learn together.. = )

    Nigel Chen,
    Opss..you are right, it is 18-55mm. Corrected it already. = )

    Thanks.. will try to snap nicer photo. = )

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 10:26 PM  

  • Congratulations. I heard there is a price drop for that model. How much did you get yours for?

    By Blogger TenthOfMarch, at 12:46 AM  

  • welcome to Canon ^__^

    nice pics~!

    By Blogger Uncle Jo., at 8:43 AM  

  • TenthOfMarch,
    Around RM 2280...

    Alpha Ace,

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 11:48 AM  

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