4 steps to ease the burden of the Rakyat

Our Government going to come out with 4 steps/programs to ease the burden of the rakyat in view of the increase in fuel prices and electricity tariffs soon. Well, i had my own 4 steps to ease the burden of us:

Don't Vote For Them (you know who) - Because they promise no petrol price hike before August during the election but they lie.

Dont't Vote For Them (you know who) - Because they keep asking us to take public transport but they never improve it. Did you ever see our minister taking LRT or bus? No right? Because they know that our public transport is no efficient enough.

Dont't Vote For Them (you know who)- Because all the minister are flying in first class luxury airline using our income tax money. Some of them even flying on their own private jet. Why not using Air-Asia to save the cost and use the money to help the Rakyat in fighting the inflation

Dont't Vote For Them (you know who) - Because they doesn't serve us well. We paid their salary but they doesn't deliver what we want. So YOU ARE FIRED

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