Brunei, Gold On Top

Gold On Top.
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is a royal Islamic mosque located in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.The mosque is constructed on an artificial lagoon near the banks of the Brunei River circulated by a water village and consists of marble minarets and golden domes with courtyards and fertile gardens filled with fountains.

I took this photo during my last trip to Brunei. I will talk more about good food and good place to visit in Brunei soon. = p

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  • wow...this is gorgeous...
    but they say not muchy touristy things to do there wo =.=

    By Anonymous annant, at 7:16 PM  

  • Ya man..somehow i feel brunei abit neglected haha..i also wonder what's nice to do there..

    By Anonymous EVo, at 10:29 PM  

  • And show us some pretty girls in Brunei too!

    By Anonymous Neo, at 12:46 AM  

  • Annant, yeah, generally not much place but there is still some nice attractive places. = )

    EVo, it suppose to be the next Dubai but too bad it doesn't happen.

    Neo, I will try my best. Haha

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 9:39 AM  

  • Brunei!
    never been there! =D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:44 PM  

  • I want to visit that small country some day... they have some beautiful mosques and architecture =)

    By Blogger Ihsan Khairir, at 2:26 PM  

  • Lol. Brunei no booze. So hard to attract tourists. At least no drunk driving la.

    Brunei's attractive places.... hmmm... Temburong (if you go there), Jerudong Park, Empire Resort? *blur* XD

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:08 PM  

  • Kenwooi, you should visit Brunei, quite a nice place.

    Ihsan Khairir, they use to have Jerudong Theme Park but now it was abandon. Wasted..

    Wayeyoung, where is Temburong? Is it a beach?

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 9:42 PM  

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