The Famous Nasi Katok Mama ( Brunei )

One of the best food I tried in Brunei is Nasi Katok. Cheap and Nice.

It look similar to our Nasi Lemak here. The different is they are using normal rice and the chicken is much more crunchy than ours.

And the best thing is it only cost you BND 1.00

One of the famous branch there is called Nasi Katok Mama.

They open 24 hours also. Can buy for our supper.

The packing of the rice. The rice still hot. Yummy

The gravy, got spicy and non-spicy

I bought this for my supper at Hotel. Doesn't look nice but it taste great

The chicken still so crunchy. I want to eat now!!

This is one of the food that I highly recommend you to try if you had a chance to visit Brunei. Remember, it only cost you BND 1.00 ^_^

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  • Damn, now i am hungry :P

    By Anonymous Nicholas Leong, at 10:32 AM  

  • That's cheap and look nice. But i think girls will scare off by the oil. Too oily.

    By Blogger Superman, at 12:07 PM  

  • yeah looks pain, but it looks tasty too! haha.. yummy! =D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:55 PM  

  • oops typo.. *plain =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:56 PM  

  • BND 1 means RM hw much?
    if it is also rm 1..then CHEAP till gila..

    By Blogger KwOnG FeI, at 6:40 PM  

  • lol. i've never been here >.<
    which part of brunei did you find this?

    @ken BND1 = RM2.20? about there.

    By Blogger WayeYoung, at 10:52 PM  

  • Nicholas, can go buy Nasi Lemak. Hehe

    Superman, exactly. ^_^

    Kenwooi, yeah, at first I also think it was plain but after eat, WOW, nice. Btw, Happy Anniversary to your blog. = )

    Kwong Fei, correct, around RM 2.20 to 2.30. Same as SGD.

    Waye Young, this particular stall located at Qiulap. = )

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 7:06 AM  

  • Tabau 1 pack for me ok? :)

    By Anonymous Neo, at 12:44 AM  

  • the best nasi katok there you got mister! nasi katok mama is selling like hotcakes in brunei.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:29 PM  

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