When Xtine is not at Home..

Last weekend, Christine went back to hometown and I'm not following her as I need to settle some stuff. Since she not in, I can sleep till late morning as I no need to go out for breakfast. Hehe.

So this is what I normally do when Christine is not around,

Wake up Late..

Take my brunch, JUNK FOOD!! Wee...

Surf Net and Update Blog

Watch TV, even that there is nothing to watch..

Eat my junk food again... Wee!!

Hibernating, nothing do to.. So lazy to go out

End up, sleep again. zzzZZZ

This is what I normally do, boring right? But I enjoyed it, resting peace at home. Haha..

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  • Don't bluff... u never bring me out for bf on weekends.. once a while we'll go out for brunch only...
    whoa.. "resting peace at home".. r u saying tat u r not "resting peace" when i am around? ^_^...sob, sob....

    By Blogger xtine, at 2:29 PM  

  • Agreed with u(Ubi), usually wat im when my wife gone back hometown too... " RESTING PEACE AT HOME"

    By Anonymous DAVID, at 2:47 PM  

  • Don't bluff, I know when Xtine is not around you went to see other girls! wahahahaha

    By Anonymous Neo, at 3:16 PM  

  • sometimes it is good to have a lazy day. just doing nothing and relax.

    By Blogger Superman, at 5:01 PM  

  • Does that provided im not at home as well? HAHA..

    By Blogger JiNG, at 5:09 PM  

  • ha ha so tta always hope tat his wife balik kampung everyweek..

    By Blogger eWei, at 6:48 PM  

  • xtine, I didn't said that, do you see me in the photo? Its not me dear.. = p

    David, haha.. shhh....

    Neo, where got? The most, I only go to your blog and see GT girls. lolz

    Superman, yeah..feel so GOOD!!

    Jing, if you at home, you should help me buy lunch!!

    Wei, haha.. no lar. ^_^

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 12:48 AM  

  • Ops,... I was too excited until I exposed your secrets tim hahahaha...

    By Anonymous Neo, at 1:05 PM  

  • Neo, u owe me one then. = )

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 12:07 AM  

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