Namewee "tiu" sama TNB - Syok!!

He did it again!

He sound out his opinion (or should I said anger) loud!

I'm not sure you guys had watch this video before or not.
But if you haven't watch it, then you can spend 5 minutes to watch it here. Worth it.

So how? Feel syok right?

Well, even that I personally think that he is too extreme but it really felt good watching him "fuck" the lazy TNB personnel.

However, I still think Namewee need not to be so extreme. Me myself is a technical guy, so I understand that sometime things goes wrong and we need time to solve it.

On the other hand, Namewee is absolutely right about the stupid attitude of the TNB staff. That fellow who 'makan pisang' in the video is totally useless and unprofessional. Crap!

The story haven't finish here. I still remember yesterday night, we all laugh so loud when I show this video to my colleagues in the office.

And guess what happen today?

TNB module failure around Jalan Sultan Ismail!! For more than 3 hours.
Which caused me to walk down from 36th floor. Tiu Nia Bu!

Long long queue of people waiting for the only lift(BOMBA) because of the TNB failure.

Should I go to TNB too?

Something to read :
Budget 2010 doesn't benefit me at all. Crap!

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  • lolol!!! Namewee indeed is de best... XD

    By Blogger Kennee, at 1:24 AM  

  • He is the man! Haha.

    By Blogger Superman, at 9:31 AM  

  • He is right! Only undeveloped countries always have blackouts. The people pay government so much money to get this type of service! WTF! Namewee is my Hero!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:28 PM  

  • lol....."Tiu Nia Bu!"

    Good post!

    By Anonymous Tony Wan, at 5:34 PM  

  • go....go tiu tnb~!! but dont cause sri pinang to lost power also haha..

    By Blogger IamJimmy, at 8:41 PM  

  • should give some consideration before "fuck" someone.. they really want to provide good service.. but sometime shit happen.. :D

    By Anonymous izzat aziz, at 12:42 PM  

  • Kennee and Superman,
    Yeah! He has the guts to do what he want!!

    True, I wonder is there any SLA agreement between government and TNB?

    Haha. Good one right?!

    Don't worry, Serdang TNB is good. Haha.

    'they really want to provide good service' ? Based on the video and with the attitude they show, I don't think so. But I do believe not all of them are like this.

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 2:58 PM  

  • cmon, if it happens again , get the whole neighbour go tiu TNB, record in a video cam, post it on youtube. im sure u will get a 50star rating for the video.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:36 PM  

  • Anonymous,
    Haha, then all will masuk lokap. = )

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 2:02 AM  

  • Kaninabu.. typical melayu answer.."dont make trouble here". Breakdowns happen all the time...but hahaha

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:05 AM  

  • Anonymous,
    True true, when breakdown happen 3 times, it is no more break is berek. = )

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 10:58 AM  

  • he tiu insanely ar .. ppl said break down then he still dun understand ? haiz ..

    but good la ! hahaha ! the TNB deserve to got it coz my com always shut down due to electricity cut off ~ ha4 !!

    By Blogger Eldy Voon, at 12:09 PM  

  • Eldy,
    Haha, same here. Even that I felt a bit extreme but feel nice watching him scold the TNB.. haha

    By Blogger Dragon City, at 3:44 PM  

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